Satya Speaks first edition was born in 2018, when Annelied Mock, a dedicated student of Satya, that she met in 2008, came with the idea to bring the Art of Satya that was hidden in the past and the living words of Satsang given by Satya together. Annelied loves art, loves wisdom books and loves dharma teachings, so she designed and sponsored a little booklet that was shared with the students over the years and was reprinted 2 times.
Last year Agnes Vogt, also a dedicated student of Satya, that she met in 2003. She entered this adventure with an open heart. Agnes fully sponsored, managed and gave birth to this new design. Agnes is a passionate editor and promoter of children's books and she is a dedicated living practitioner of dharma as well.
We are so happy to offer this New Edition of "Satya Speaks" to all of you, each page a window of inspiration and connection to our real nature. Many people use it as a table book opened to all, a little living jewel in our homes that gives space, clarity and invites us to listen.
In awareness there is no time.
We enter that dimension with a frequency of timeless time.
There is no beginning, no end.
All there is, is continuation and connectivity and blissfulness.
It is all in the same field,
it is beautiful.
NEW EDITION SATYA SPEAKS available from 29th November,
price 45€ exclusive sending cost.
sending in the Netherlands + 5€
sending within Europe + 10€
(Please put your address in the field if you need the book shipped)
all the income goes to give back the invested cost of making this book and to support
"Living Awareness Foundation" further projects regarding inspiring wisdom books.