with Satya
at Pura Amrita livingroom 2025
The gate is open at Pura Amrita and Satsang is happening live in our living room & simultaneously online.
We welcome all that feel they want to attend the Satsang in live presence, the only requirement is to stay and attend all the 7 days of the Satsang week + Silence sit everyday and move with the offered schedule for the whole 7 days. Participation is open to those who have followed teachings with us and have attended Satsang before.
The way is simple, to register send us an email with your interest and motivation to participate and we will let you know how to arrange your stay during the 7 days in one of the sangha houses where we live as a community during the Satsang days.
You are also welcome to find your own lodge and food independently during this period, let us know your preferences.
There is a limited capacity of only 20 people so book in advance.
The retreats days for 2025 are:
SPRING Satsang 7 days, February 20 to 26
SUMMER Satsang 7 days, June 16 to 22 ​
FALL Satsang week 21 to 26 September will be an IMMERSION RETREAT of 5 days
at SANT HONORAT HERMIT * SPECIAL EDITION FALL* all info & registrations coming soon.
WINTER New Year Satsang 7 days, December 27 2025 to January 3 2026​
Regular schedule:
Schedule Day 1 to Day 6 

6-8am : Self Practice Sadhana at your place where you are staying

8-9am Breakfast

10 -10:45 Silent sit at Yurt
 Pura Amrita
11:00-12.30: Satsang at Living room Pura Amrita

1:30-2:30 Lunch

12:30 17:30: Free time

17:30-18:30 Self Practice or group evening sadhana - chanting -Meditation

19:00-20.30: Dinner

21:00 bed time

Day 7

6-8am : Self Practice Sadhana in Sangha house

8-9am Breakfast

10 -10:45 : Silent sit at Yurt
 Pura Amrita
11:00-12.30: Satsang at Living room Pura Amrita

12:30 - 1:30 Closing Sacred Circle
The donation for the Satsang week + silence sit is 200€ to 250€ depending on your income
Registrations send us an email: